Key Publications

Moss Rock Park (photo by Emrys Miller / Rocketday Arts)
General Interest
For Gardening & Restoration
- The Garry Oak Gardener’s Handbook: Nurturing Native Plant Habitat in Garry Oak Communities (2011)
- Native Plant Flowering Times
- Native Plant Seed Collection Times
- Guidelines for Mulching in Garry Oak and Associated Ecosystems (2013)
For Government, Planners & Developers
- Connectivity Conservation for Garry Oak Ecosystems: Planning an ecosystem-based green infrastructure network (2018)
- Protecting Garry Oak Areas During Land Development (2007)
Best Management Practices
- Best Management Practices for Garry Oak and Associated Ecosystems (2013)
- Guidelines for Mulching in Garry Oak and Associated Ecosystems (2013)
Legislation & Policy
- Model ByLaws for the Protection of Garry Oak & Associated Ecosystems (2014)
- Questions & Answers: Legislation and Policy for the Protection of Garry Oak Ecosystems (2006)
Species at Risk
Also see our webpage for the Species at Risk Field Manual and table of species stewardship accounts.
Invasive Species
- Best Practices for Invasive Species Management: Blackberry (2002)
- Best Practices for Invasive Species Management: Broom (2002)
- Best Practices for Invasive Species Management: Daphne (2007)
- Best Practices for Invasive Species Management: Ivy (2002)
- Best Practices for Invasive Species Management: Orchard-grass (2007)
- Best Times to Remove Invasive Species in Victoria, courtesy of Patricia Boyle
- General Decision Process for Managing Invasive Plant Species in Garry Oak and Associated Ecosystems (2007)
- General Decision Process for Managing Invasive Plant Species in Garry Oak and Associated Ecosystems – Scoring Algorithm XLS (2006)
- Towards a Decision Support Tool to Address Invasive Species in Garry Oak & Associated Ecosystems in BC (2002)
- Adaptive Management Strategy for the Decision Support Tool for Invasive Species in Garry Oak and Associated Ecosystems (2002)
Also see our webpage for the Invasive Species Field Manual and table of species bibliographies.
Recovery Strategies
- Recovery Strategy for Multi-Species at Risk in Garry Oak Woodlands in Canada (2006)
- Recovery Strategy for Multi-Species at Risk in Maritime Meadows associated with Garry Oak Ecosystems in Canada (2006)
- Recovery Strategy for Multi-Species at Risk in Vernal Pools and other Ephemeral Wet Areas Associated with Garry Oak Ecosystems in Canada (2006)
- Recovery Strategy for Rigid Apple Moss (2006)
- GOERT backgrounder for multi-species recovery strategies (2006)
- Recovery Strategy for Garry Oak and Associated Ecosystems and their Associated Species at Risk in Canada, 2001–2006 (2002)
- Towards a Recovery Strategy for Garry Oak and Associated Ecosystems in Canada: Ecological Assessment & Literature Review (Environment Canada, 2001)