Alaska Brome
Bromus sitchensis Trin. (B. aleutensis Trin. ex Griseb.)

Forms large clumps. Easier to control than California brome. Looks most attractive in a single large drift. Photo by Carrina Maslovat.
moisture regime
Prefers dry sites but tolerates some moisture (S. Bastin, personal communication).
shade tolerance
Sun to light shade (S. Bastin, personal communication).
site rehabilitation
Potentially valuable species for dry sites.
Forms large clumps. Easier to control than B. carinatus. Looks most attractive in a single large drift (S. Bastin, personal communication).
fruit seed dormancy treatment
No stratification required. Quick to germinate. Field sow from late fall to mid-March. Sow in small plugs with night temperatures from 5-10º C and day temperatures 18-24º C. Germination near 100% within 30 days (S. Bastin, personal communication).
vegetative propagation
Excellent results with plant division in late fall to early spring.
additional info and photos
For more information and pictures, visit the E-Flora BC website at