Parsley Fern
Cryptogramma acrostichoides R. Br. (C. crispa [L.] R. Br. Hook. var. acrostichoides [r. Br.] C.B. Clarke, ssp. acrostichoides [R. Br.] Hult.)
Small evergreen perennial fern with short stems ascending from branched rhizomes clothed with scales. Sterile and fertile fronds markedly different. Leaf stipes straw-coloured. Sterile leaves to 20 cm tall usually three-times branched with thick, crispy-firm, egg-shaped blades. Leaflets mostly 3-10 pairs, largest at the base with ultimate segments finely-toothed. Fertile leaves to 30 cm tall. Blades broadly lance-shaped, two to three-times branched, leaflets mostly three to ten pairs with in-rolled margins and blunt tips. Sori continuous along the length of fertile leaflets and covered by the rolled margins (Pojar and MacKinnon, 1994). Photo by Moralea Milne.
ecological setting
Fairly dry, rocky, open sites (cliffs, ledges, crevices, talus slopes) at low to high elevations (Pojar and MacKinnon, 1994)
soil texture
Coarse and free draining
moisture regime
Dry to fresh
Potential garden ornamental for the dry rock garden
first nations
No known uses
seed collection time
When spores are well developed (tan or brown in colour) in the sori, tie a clear plastic bag over fertile fronds and shake until spores are dislodged. Check sori with a magnifying glass to ensure that they are empty. Repeat at intervals until all sori are empty. Spread spores on the surface of a 1:1 peat/vermiculite planting mixture. Set container in the dark for a few days before moving to a well-lit location. Keep the planting medium damp by covering with glass or clear plastic. Gametophytes will appear after one to three months. Keep the planting medium damp by covering with glass or clear plastic. As gametophytes grow, continually thin 0.5 cm plugs into larger individual containers with moist, well-draining soil-less medium leaving 2.5 cm between each plug. Cover to retain humidity and place in bright area but not in full sunlight. Mist gametophytes to encourage fertilization. Sporphytes will appear in 1 to 6 months and once fronds reach 2.5 cm in height they can be transferred to individual containers.
vegetative propagation
Can be propagated by division in the spring and by rhizome cuttings.
additional info and photos
For more information and pictures, visit the E-Flora BC website at