Tufted Hairgrass
Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) Beauv. (D. beringensis Hult., D. cespitosa var. arctica Vasey = ssp. beringensis; D. holciformis J. Presl, D. cespitosa var. littoralis (Reut.) Richter, D. cespitosa var. longiflora Beal = ssp. cespitosa)

Tolerant of a wide range of conditions, the attractive feathery appearance of this grass makes it a good choice for borders and banks. Photo by Toni Corelli.
ecological setting
Sub-montane to sub-alpine, circumpolar distribution (transcontinental in North America).
soil texture
Clayey gleysolic and deep humus soils.
Calcium and nitrogen rich soils.
soil reaction salinity
pH 6.5 to 7.5. Tolerates brackish water and ocean spray.
moisture regime
Water-receiving and water-collecting sites with slow-moving, often stagnant water (Klinka, et al. 1995).
shade tolerance
Shade intolerant (Klinka, et al. 1995).
successional status
Early seral or wet semi-terrestrial, non-forested communities.
Tolerant of a wide range of conditions. Attractive feathery appearance makes it a good choice for borders and banks (S. Bastin, personal communication).
fruit ripening time
Mid to late June.
no seeds per kg
collection and abstraction
Allow to cure for seven to ten days after collecting.
fruit seed dormancy treatment
Good results from fall sowing. Sow in containers in April on heat (night -15º C, day 20-24º C), germination in 30 days. Cover lightly with soil and screen until germination occurs. Plugs form slowly in about 60 days if kept continually moist and at a constant temperature (S. Bastin, personal communication).
vegetative propagation
Good results with plant division in spring or fall.
additional info and photos
For more information and pictures, visit the E-Flora BC website at www.eflora.bc.ca.