Barestem Desert-parsley
Lomatium nudicaule (Pursh) Coult. & Rose

Small yellow flowers form compact heads on stalks of unequal lengths. The leaves are not fern-like but are composed of well-defined leaflets. There are no leaves on the flower stalk. Fruits oblong to elliptic, 7-15 mm long. Seeds flattened, with broad wings and distinct ribs. Photo by Dave Polster.
other names
barestem lomatium, Indian celery, wild celery, Indian consumption plant
ecological setting
Dry, open, sparsely treed sites, rocky slopes and grassy bluffs at low to middle elevations (Pojar and MacKinnon, 1994).
soil texture
Coarse free-draining soils (Klinka et al., 1995).
Nitrogen-rich soils (Klinka et al., 1995).
soil reaction salinity
Neutral to mildly alkaline.
moisture regime
Dry to moderately dry (Klinka et al., 1995).
shade tolerance
Full sun to light shade (Pojar and MacKinnon, 1994).
successional status
Edaphic climax on dry water-shedding sites.
bec zone subzone status
Scattered to common on bluffs and rock outcrops within Garry oak ecosystems.
Important nectar source for many butterflies.
Potentially useful ornamental for the dry rock garden.
first nations
Roots dug up in spring before the plants flower and eaten raw, boiled, cooked in pits or dried for later use. Often steam-cooked together with other bulbs of yellow glacier lily (Erythronium grandiflorum) (Parish et al, 1996). Seeds used as an incense, fumigant, and house deodorant, as a flavor for meat and fish, and burned as an insect repellent (Turner, 1998). Young sprouts a popular vegetable. Flowers, leaves, stems, and seeds used for teas, soups, stews, and tobacco (Turner, 1997).
flowering time
April to June
fruit ripening time
Late June
seed collection time
Late to early July
crop intervals
no seeds per kg
collection and abstraction
Collect seed in June or early July when inflorescence is dry and the seeds are dark brown in color. Seed can be stripped from the inflorescence by hand, then cleaned with an air column separator (Skinner, 2004).
seed storage
Clean seed should be stored in controlled conditions of 5o C and 40% relative humidity (Skinner, 2004).
fruit seed dormancy treatment
Extended (6-8 week) cold, moist stratification is required (Skinner, 2004).
additional info and photos
For more information and pictures, visit the E-Flora BC website at