Goldenback Fern
Pentagramma triangularis (Kaulf.) Yatskievych, Windham & Wollenweber ssp. triangularis (Pityrogramma triangularis [Kaulf.] Maxon)

Small, tufted evergreen fern up to 35 cm tall. Leaves green on top and golden beneath growing from numerous short darkly-scaled rhizomes. Stipes twice as long as blades, wiry and shiny brown. Blades broadly triangular in outline, two to three times pinnate. The two basal leaflets divided again and their lower segments longer than upper ones. Blades covered with a white to golden, waxy powder beneath. The sori are located in lines along branching veins on the underside of the leaflets; indusium absent (Pojar and MacKinnon, 1994). Photo by Dave Polster.
ecological setting
Dry, open to partly shaded, rocky slopes and crevices and shallow-soil meadows from sea-level to 1800 m. BC south to California and east to Idaho (Pojar and MacKinnon, 1994).
soil texture
Coarse and well-drained.
soil reaction salinity
pH 4-8
moisture regime
Dry to fresh.
shade tolerance
Shade intolerant to mildly shade tolerant.
successional status
Attractive ornamental for the dry rock garden.
seed collection time
When spores are well developed (tan or brown in colour) in the sori, tie a clear plastic bag over fronds and shake until spores are dislodged. Check sori with a magnifying glass to ensure that they are empty. Repeat at intervals until all sori are empty. Spread spores on the surface of a 1:1 peat/vermiculite planting mixture. Set container in the dark for a few days before moving to a well-lit location. Keep the planting medium damp by covering with glass or clear plastic. Gametophytes will appear after one to three months. Keep the planting medium damp by covering with glass or clear plastic. As gametophytes grow, continually thin 0.5 cm plugs into larger individual containers with moist, well-draining soil-less medium leaving 2.5 cm between each plug. Cover to retain humidity and place in bright area but not in full sunlight. Mist gametophytes to encourage fertilization. Sporophytes will appear in one to six months and once fronds reach 2.5 cm in height they can be transferred to individual containers.
vegetative propagation
Plant in well-drained soil. Provide some moisture during the first year of establishment.
additional info and photos
For more information and pictures, visit the E-Flora BC website at