Tall Trisetum
Trisetum canescens Buckl. (T. cernuum Trin.)
Tufted perennial; stems often bent at base; 40-120 cm tall. Leaves flat, lax, 5-12 mm wide, with thin, prominent tips; no auricles; ligules 1.5-3 mm long. Inflorescence an open, loose nodding panicle, 10-30 cm long; second glume longer and much wider than the first, with a sharp tip; lemmas 5-6 mm long with a long bent awn from just above the middle and callus hairs about 1 mm long (Pojar and MacKinnon, 1994).
other names
nodding trisetum
ecological setting
Moist forest, stream-banks, upper beaches, thickets and clearings at low to mid elevations (Pojar and MacKinnon, 1994).
Nitrogen-rich soils (Klinka et al., 1995).
moisture regime
Fresh to very moist (Klinka et al., 1995).
shade tolerance
Shade to partial sun (Klinka et al., 1995).
Attractive ornamental grass in a shady, moist location.
collection and abstraction
Do not cover seed; merely press lightly into soil. Excellent germination in early March from fall sown seed. Good germination in 20 days with spring-sown seed in flats on a heat cable (20-22º C day, 10-12º C night). Remove from the heat cable once germination occurs (S. Bastin, personal communication).
vegetative propagation
Plant division a possibility but needs research (S. Bastin, personal communication).
additional info and photos
For more information and pictures, visit the E-Flora BC website at www.eflora.bc.ca.