Helping Helliwell Park’s Coastal Bluffs Recover

Helliwell Provincial Park Coastal Bluff restoration area panorama, June 2015.
BC Parks and the public are working together on a long-term ecological restoration project in Helliwell Provincial Park. This phase of the project focuses on removing small Douglas-fir trees and invasive plants in coastal bluff habitat, and replanting with native meadow vegetation. The coastal bluffs in the park that are associated with Douglas-fir and Garry Oak ecosystems are among the rarest habitats in Canada.
The restoration project is funded by the BC Ministry of Environment, BC Parks, and Environment Canada’s Habitat Stewardship Program. Volunteers and the Garry Oak Ecosystems Recovery Team are providing assistance and technical advice.
Much work remains to be done on this project and BC Parks is looking for your feedback on the current restoration work and future restoration options. Please come and visit the BC Parks booth at the Hornby Island Farmer’s Market from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, August 22nd. As well, you can find more information about the project and a brief online survey (available from August 22 – September 30, 2015) on the BC Parks Helliwell restoration project webpage.