Taylor’s Checkerspot Butterfly Recovery, May 2016 update
posted Sunday, May 15, 2016
in categories Taylor’s Checkerspot
- More than 99% of the larvae that overwintered at the Taylor’s Checkerspot Breeding Facility (TCCBF) on Denman Island emerged from the diapause phase. This phenomenal survival rate is a testament to the expert care provided by TCCBF manager Peter Karsten and his dedicated group of volunteers.
- In March, local residents and BC Ministry of Environment staff released nearly 1,300 larvae into a butterfly reserve in Denman Island Provincial Park and Protected Area.
- 100 larvae were moved to the conservation breeding facility at the Greater Vancouver Zoo (GVZ) on April 1st. The GVZ has taken on the TCB captive breeding role with support from Wildlife Preservation Canada and the BC Ministry of Environment. Peter will continue to share his
experience during the transition period.
- Adult Checkerspots were spotted flying in the Denman Island butterfly reserve in mid-April, which was several weeks earlier than usual.
- The first adult Taylor’s Checkerspot butterfly at the Greater Vancouver Zoo emerged from its chrysalis on April 28th. At least 30 were flitting about by May 3rd, and there were 88 adults by mid-May. They will be the foundation for the TC conservation breeding program at the Zoo.