Best Practices

Eastern grey squirrel, an invasive species in Garry oak and associated ecosystems (photo by Marilyn Fuchs)
Best Practices
- Best Practices for Invasive Species Management: Blackberry (2002)
- Best Practices for Invasive Species Management: Broom (2002)
- Best Practices for Invasive Species Management: Daphne (2007)
- Best Practices for Invasive Species Management: Ivy (2002)
- Best Practices for Invasive Species Management: Orchard-grass (2007)
- Best Times to Remove Invasive Species in Victoria, courtesy of Patricia Boyle
Background Documents
- Towards a Decision Support Tool to Address Invasive Species in Garry Oak & Associated Ecosystems in BC (2002)
- Adaptive Management Strategy for the Decision Support Tool for Invasive Species in Garry Oak and Associated Ecosystems (2002)
General Decision Process (GDP)
The General Decision Process for Managing Invasive Plant Species in Garry Oak and Associated Ecosystems includes an appendix with a new algorithm to help set priorities for invasive species. This tool was developed by the BC Ministry of Forest and Range’s Invasive Alien Plant Program and has been modified for paper use, and is available in Excel format which allows for automatic calculations.